Topsail Island, NC

Everyday I try to see the possibilities ahead. I wake up thinking today is a new slate and I am going to have a great day! Wrong. That never quite happens because I can't predict the unexpected, but I sure try. Making the best of your situations can, sometimes, be all the greatness you need in a day. Some days keeping your head above water is as great as it is going to get. That's okay, though, there's always tomorrow. The last 5 weeks consisted of my boyfriends birthday, moving out of our apartment, moving into our new home, getting all new furniture, starting the fall semester, going on vacation to Topsail, NC., a business trip in St. Louis for my boyfriend, and my birthday to top it all off. Needless to say I. Am. Exhausted. I thought this was how I wanted to live and maybe it still is but for right now let me sip on this hot tea while getting a bubble bath ready to gain back some of my lost energy. Moving into our new home has gone surprisingly smooth. ...